

I had a different post all ready to go last night, but I just felt like I had to write something else. It’s funny. When I started this blog, I didn’t tell anyone about it, except for a few close friends who were already blogging. Journaling wasn’t cutting it for me, and I felt like I had to tell the world how I was feeling, even if it wouldn’t listen. Kind of like in ‘Monte Carlo’, where they climb up to Machu Picchu and scream as loud as they can. I hadn’t screamed, and I needed to desperately.

Now, I continue to write and only occasionally feel the need to scream. Today’s original post, now coming tomorrow, is not a screaming post; it’s more like one I have to spit out. That can wait. I write now because I have to, not because I have to tell the world how I feel, but because I have to get all of these words and thoughts out of me.

Maybe it was a little megalomaniac of me, but I thought that I was the only one who blogged therapeutically. It just didn’t occur to me that there were others who did the same. Roll your eyes if you’d like. Last night, while I was browsing under the ‘Life’ tag on WordPress, I saw that there were so, so many people like me, just needing to get the words out and to tell the world how they felt. It makes you wonder how much is building up in some people, just waiting for a chance to break free and get out. I doubt most people use blogging as their outlet.

I used to write blog-type notes on Facebook, but it always spurred discussion that I didn’t want. (More on my experiences with Facebook here). It wasn’t as personal as I had intended, and I was on display in an unpleasant way. Facebook is funny like that, because its purpose appears to morph and change frequently. I have trouble keeping up. It’s not a forum, and it’s not a blog. Both times I’ve made the mistake of treating it as such. In a way, Facebook is true to its name: it’s our own personal little yearbook, where we show snippets of ourselves, but we never get too in-depth.

Thanks to the plethora of social media available, I’ve been able to compartmentalize my internet activity nicely. Finally, I feel like I’ve got a grip on what’s going on at these different sites and that maybe I finally understand a little bit more about the constantly evolving web-etiquette. And I think I’ve found a little peace with all of the writing and self-expression I feel compelled to do.